Southern Stars Retreat 2020

This past weekend, August 15th & 16th in Laughlin, NV we escaped lock down!  It was such a relief and a lot of FUN to be with our ceramic friends once again. YES we did social distance and YES we wore facemasks too.  We did push the limit of distance for pictures but most of the time we were cautious of our surroundings.


Our annual event was smaller in attendance than our normal 50-60, we had 26 registered with 19 in actual attendance.  We completed 3 projects on Saturday taught by Dru Woodward, Helen Castaneda and Denise Ross. We finished up on Sunday with a project taught by Jan Dietman.


Did you see our live post on Facebook asking you to vote on our Pumpkin Story Challenge?  That was certainly a unexpected happening but we all loved the member interaction. Group 1 was the Winner of the Pumpkin Story Challenges-pictured below! Our Saturday evening entertainment was a Charli Brown dress up theme—you can certainly see who took the honors there! Doesn’t Scarlett and her hubby look CUTE!!! 


Next year’s theme—Birthday Party...In honor of Southern Stars 30 years of being a Chapter!

Text Box: Winner—Group 1
Text Box: Silent Auction High $$$ makers!
Text Box: Centerpiece Winners
Text Box: Saturday night FUN!